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Jan Paderon

Why do people stop or hate research?


Research is essential to people and to the world because it is the root of every development and improvement that we get. But it seems that people hate and some stopped researching because of different experiences and reasons.


Some people used to be a researcher back then, but they stopped because a lot of their research had been rejected and failed. But if research is really part of your passion, you should never give up doing this thing. Just rest for a while and start over again.


If I were in their position, I would use all the rejections and failures as my motivation to build and conduct better research than what I had before.


Conducting a research might be expensive that’s why a lot of people never attempted to start doing research. There are materials that some might not be able to afford because of the financial instability.

However, we should not put hatred to the research thing because that is the pioneer for the innovations that we are seeing.


Furthermore, the failures and rejections that you might had experienced are just challenges that you have to face and fight. Do not let those failures stoop you down and stop you from doing your passion.


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