Ken Anda
Never Enough
Despite of Quezon National High School’s Sports Management aim to provide less interruption and excuses to students from classes, assigning the annual Intramurals in one day was really never enough for student-athletes and coaches.
Quezon NHS is one of the biggest school in the region, which also holds the biggest numbers of students that includes players and athletes. On the last held Intramurals of this year, instead of normally holding the Intramurals from two to three days, its Sports Management said to finish the event in one day.
Mr. Abaricia, head of MAPEH Department explained that there were already coaches from different sports that had lists of potential past players to win in the Intramurals thus implementing a one-day intramurals would just be an open gateway for those budding athletes.
It seems like they planned about it but did not think about it, one problem that the school encountered with this “One-day Intramurals” is lack of venue. If it’s only a school event like Intramurals, events should only be happening inside the campus, however, as events happened simultaneously one event was seized by another.
If this is really a part of an annual improvement of the school, every feedback should be positive, for it to be really a possible way for the Sports Management stand for their objective of this one-day intramurals.