Develop with Research
As of now, our country needs a lot of improvements and developments to be a progressive one. Inventions and technology will help us improve and lift our economy up, but we cannot have these incredible inventions of different gadgets that ease our steps to develop without conducting a research. Research is the root of every inventions, improvements and developments, therefore research plays big role to the society.
For the solutions and inventions that the scientists have made to solve our environmental problem with the improper use and negligence of people towards our natural resources, like water, that resulted to different kinds of pollution, like water pollution, those scientists had a research and presented a research paper regarding the product they have made.
Research, as a subject, must be taught to everyone, starting from secondary school so the youth could see and develop their potential in this field. In some of the schools here in the Philippines, Research is being taught as a subject to a specific kind of section. Those sections mostly focus on specializations of their skills, like in journalism or science.
If we will expose them to research at a young age, we can have more young scientists and if that happens, there could be a lot more innovation that will happen, not just in our environment. Research do not just apply with our environmental problems, we could also use it for Governance, Politics and more. Research is everything.
Researchers’ minds are creative, they’re wide. With research, nothing is impossible. We just have to study and study, research and research until we find solution to our problem.
Research can be done in some simple ways such as observing, surfing in social media, and many more. Our interests should not only roam around the things that we see on internet. We should recognize that there are problems that we are facing and we need to finish them and we can only finish them through helping each other and researching for possible ways.
Nonetheless, our call is to give focus and importance to research because research is the key for innovations and developments in our society.