Jan Paderon
Spread the Knowledge
The youth nowadays seemed to lack interest about helping their country improve and develop even in the simplest day. All they do is to share memes across social media all day. But they also need to participate in the activities of the organizations that help our country progress and end environmental issues.
As a youth, we must prove to the people that we are the future of our country through different ways of helping. I believe that there are as young 17 yea-old scientists and researchers here in the Philippines, but there are only few.
What we need to do is to find a way how to attract and convince the youth to do researching and study more, in which the teenagers will have an interest doing this.
First, is to invent a product that would catch their attention and will arouse curiosity in their minds. An example is a product that would kill a bacteria in the waters we drink. A product that would create a thought, “Ay! Gusto ko din gumawa ng mga ganito.”, across their minds.
Second, the Department of Education could create a Research subject for those students who took the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), so all students of the secondary could get a chance study research and not just those who are in special sections like in Science Technology Engineering (STE) where they have separate subject for their research.