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There is always a secret to every success, even in Research. Here is, Bernadette A. Condes, QNHS' Researcher to spill the beans?


Ma'am Condes has been doing research for quite sometime and it is you can say she is pretty victorious in that field. As a SHS Teacher, life and is part of the Quezonian, the school's research journal.


The key. The 3 keys on making a good research is:


One,  To keep it connected. "Everything is connected" as she says. From the beginning to end, it has to be interconnected.


Two, To keep it simple. You don't need to put all of the details in it. Use only the Surname and Year in throughout your research.


Three, Determination. You have to have determination because according to Ma'am Condes "it will be impossible" to make a research if you don't like what you do and if you don't have the determination in making one.


 Even if you do the two keys if you don't have determination, you can not achieve it still. That's the secret Ingredient

published by: Jan Paderon


The Secret Ingredients


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